

マルチメソッド3 力任せ改良編

マルチメソッド2 力任せ編の続きです。Modern C++ Designに載っているマルチメソッドを自分なりの解釈を加えながら、LokiライブラリではなくBoostライブラリを用いて実装してみようという試みです。 前回書いたように今回はstatic_dispatcherの改良として、自動で継承関係によってソートする機能と、対称性の機能(func(A, B)とfunc(B, A)と2つ定義しなくてもfunc(A, B)だけでも中で引数の順を変えてB, Aの順にも対応してくれる機能)を付けたいと思います。



    class Func,
    class BaseLhs,
    class TypesLhs,
    class BaseRhs = BaseLhs,
    class TypesRhs = TypesLhs,
    class Result = void
class static_dispatcher
    template <class SomeLhs>
    struct rhs_dispatcher
        template <class Head, class Tail>
        struct dispatcher
            static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                if (Head* p2 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&rhs))
                    return functor(lhs, *p2);
                return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);

        struct dispatcher_error
            static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                throw std::runtime_error("未定義の型");

        typedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<TypesRhs, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;

    struct lhs_dispatcher
        template <class Head, class Tail>
        struct dispatcher
            static Result dispatch(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                if (Head* p1 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&lhs))
                    return rhs_dispatcher<Head>::type::dispatch(*p1, rhs, functor);
                return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);

        struct dispatcher_error
            static Result dispatch(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                throw std::runtime_error("未定義の型");

        typedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<TypesLhs, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;

    static Result go(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs)
        return lhs_dispatcher::type::dispatch(lhs, rhs, Func());



typedef typename mpl::sort<TypesLhs, std::is_base_of<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type lhs_type;
typedef typename mpl::sort<TypesRhs, std::is_base_of<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type rhs_type;

そして今まで書いていたtypedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<TypesRhs, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;typedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<TypesLhs, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;の、TypesRhsをrhs_typeに、TypesLhsをlhs_typeに直します。




 list<0, 1, 2>とlist<0, 1, 2>があります。ここで起こりうる引数の順列は

  • 0, 0
  • 0, 1
  • 0, 2
  • 1, 0
  • 1, 1
  • 1, 2
  • 2, 0
  • 2, 1
  • 2, 2

の9通りです。そして、ここで行いたいことは1, 0の組み合わせは引数を入れ替えて0, 1を 受け取る関数で処理できるようにすることです。つまり6つの関数だけで上記の9通り受け入れられるようにしたいのです。6通りの関数の引数の通りを列挙してみます。

  • 0, 0
  • 0, 1
  • 0, 2
  • 1, 1
  • 1, 2
  • 2, 2

です。左辺の数値は右辺の数値以下であることがわかります。よって引数を交換しなければならない時というのは、 右辺の数値が左辺の数値より小さい時 、と言えます。更に言い換えるなら、 右辺の型のインデックスが左辺の型のインデックスより小さい時 引数を交換しなければならない、ということです。インデックスとは型リストにおけるその型が何番目にあるか、ということです。



template <bool C, class SomeLhs, class SomeRhs>
struct call_traits
    static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, SomeRhs& rhs, Func functor)
        return functor(lhs, rhs);

template <class SomeLhs, class SomeRhs>
struct call_traits<true, SomeLhs, SomeRhs>
    static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, SomeRhs& rhs, Func functor)
        return functor(rhs, lhs);


template <class Head, class Tail>
struct dispatcher
    static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
        if(Head* p2 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&rhs))
            return functor(lhs, *p2);
        return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);


template <class Head, class Tail>
struct dispatcher
    static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
        if (Head* p2 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&rhs))
            using lhs_index = typename mpl::index_of<lhs_type, SomeLhs>::type;
            using rhs_index = typename mpl::index_of<rhs_type, Head>::type;
            return call_traits<Symmetric && rhs_index::value < lhs_index::value, SomeLhs, Head>::dispatch(lhs, *p2, functor);
        return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);

これで対称性が実装できました! 大分static_dispatcherの中が複雑になりましたが、使用側は定義しなければならない関数が最低限でよく、型リストの継承順に気を使う必要もなくなり、だいぶ使い勝手が良くなったと思います。しかし、根本的にこのディスパッチの計算量がO(n * m)*1なので、ここのオーダーを改善したディスパッチャーを次回以降考えて行きたいと思います。

  • クラスの数が少ない場合高速
  • 新しいクラスや関数が増えてもstatic_dispatcher自体と既存の継承階層のクラスの修正が要らない(非侵入性)
  • コンパイル時にオーバーロードの曖昧さを検出できる


  • クラス数が増えると遅い
  • 引数の型リストの為に、全クラスの階層が見えていなければならない(依存性が高い)
  • コンパイル時間、実行時間、プログラムサイズが指数的に増加する。



#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/mpl/index_of.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/reverse_fold.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/list.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/sort.hpp>
namespace mpl = boost::mpl;

struct shape
    virtual ~shape() {}

struct rectangle : shape {};
struct ellipse : shape {};
struct polygon : shape {};
struct round_rectangle : rectangle {};

void is_hit_rectangle_and_rectangle(rectangle&, rectangle&)
    std::cout << "rectangle and rectangle" << std::endl;

void is_hit_rectangle_and_ellipse(rectangle&, ellipse&)
    std::cout << "rectangle and ellipse" << std::endl;

void is_hit_rectangle_and_polygon(rectangle&, polygon&)
    std::cout << "rectangle and polygon" << std::endl;

void is_hit_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(rectangle&, round_rectangle&)
    std::cout << "rectangle and round_rect" << std::endl;

void is_hit_ellipse_and_rectangle(ellipse&, rectangle&)
    std::cout << "ellipse and rectangle" << std::endl;

void is_hit_ellipse_and_ellipse(ellipse&, ellipse&)
    std::cout << "ellipse and ellipse" << std::endl;

void is_hit_ellipse_and_polygon(ellipse&, polygon&)
    std::cout << "ellipse and polygon" << std::endl;

void is_hit_ellipse_and_round_rectangle(ellipse&, round_rectangle&)
    std::cout << "ellipse and round_rect" << std::endl;

void is_hit_polygon_and_rectangle(polygon&, rectangle&)
    std::cout << "polygon and rectangle" << std::endl;

void is_hit_polygon_and_ellipse(polygon&, ellipse&)
    std::cout << "polygon and ellipse" << std::endl;

void is_hit_polygon_and_polygon(polygon&, polygon&)
    std::cout << "polygon and polygon" << std::endl;

void is_hit_polygon_and_round_rectangle(polygon&, round_rectangle&)
    std::cout << "polygon and round_rect" << std::endl;

void is_hit_round_rectangle_and_rectangle(round_rectangle& lhs, rectangle& rhs)
    std::cout << "round_rect and rectangle" << std::endl;

void is_hit_round_rectangle_and_ellipse(round_rectangle& lhs, ellipse& rhs)
    std::cout << "round_rect and ellipse" << std::endl;

void is_hit_round_rectangle_and_polygon(round_rectangle& lhs, polygon& rhs)
    std::cout << "round_rect and polygon" << std::endl;

void is_hit_round_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(round_rectangle& lhs, round_rectangle& rhs)
    std::cout << "round_rect and round_rect" << std::endl;

void double_dispatch(shape& lhs, shape& rhs)
    if (round_rectangle* p1 = dynamic_cast<round_rectangle*>(&lhs))
        if (round_rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<round_rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_round_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(*p1, *p2);
        else if (rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(*p2, *p1);
        else if (ellipse* p2 = dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_ellipse_and_round_rectangle(*p2, *p1);
        else if (polygon* p2 = dynamic_cast<polygon*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_polygon_and_round_rectangle(*p2, *p1);
    else if (rectangle* p1 = dynamic_cast<rectangle*>(&lhs))
        if (round_rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<round_rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(*p1, *p2);
        else if(rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_rectangle(*p1, *p2);
        else if (ellipse* p2 = dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_ellipse(*p1, *p2);
        else if (polygon* p2 = dynamic_cast<polygon*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_polygon(*p1, *p2);
    else if (ellipse* p1 = dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&lhs))
        if (round_rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<round_rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_ellipse_and_round_rectangle(*p1, *p2);
        else if (rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_ellipse(*p2, *p1);
        else if (ellipse* p2 = dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_ellipse_and_ellipse(*p1, *p2);
        else if (polygon* p2 = dynamic_cast<polygon*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_ellipse_and_polygon(*p1, *p2);
    else if (polygon* p1 = dynamic_cast<polygon*>(&lhs))
        if (round_rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<round_rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_polygon_and_round_rectangle(*p1, *p2);
        else if (rectangle* p2 = dynamic_cast<rectangle*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_rectangle_and_polygon(*p2, *p1);
        else if (ellipse* p2 = dynamic_cast<ellipse*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_ellipse_and_polygon(*p2, *p1);
        else if (polygon* p2 = dynamic_cast<polygon*>(&rhs))
            is_hit_polygon_and_polygon(*p1, *p2);

    class Func,
    class BaseLhs,
    class TypesLhs,
    bool Symmetric = true,
    class BaseRhs = BaseLhs,
    class TypesRhs = TypesLhs,
    class Result = void
class static_dispatcher
    typedef typename mpl::sort<TypesLhs, std::is_base_of<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type lhs_type;
    typedef typename mpl::sort<TypesRhs, std::is_base_of<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type rhs_type;

    template <bool C, class SomeLhs, class SomeRhs>
    struct call_traits
        static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, SomeRhs& rhs, Func functor)
            return functor(lhs, rhs);

    template <class SomeLhs, class SomeRhs>
    struct call_traits<true, SomeLhs, SomeRhs>
        static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, SomeRhs& rhs, Func functor)
            return functor(rhs, lhs);

    template <class SomeLhs>
    struct rhs_dispatcher
        template <class Head, class Tail>
        struct dispatcher
            static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                if (Head* p2 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&rhs))
                    using lhs_index = typename mpl::index_of<lhs_type, SomeLhs>::type;
                    using rhs_index = typename mpl::index_of<rhs_type, Head>::type;
                    return call_traits<Symmetric && rhs_index::value < lhs_index::value, SomeLhs, Head>::dispatch(lhs, *p2, functor);
                return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);

        struct dispatcher_error
            static Result dispatch(SomeLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                throw std::runtime_error("未定義の型");

        typedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<rhs_type, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;

    struct lhs_dispatcher
        template <class Head, class Tail>
        struct dispatcher
            static Result dispatch(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                if (Head* p1 = dynamic_cast<Head*>(&lhs))
                    return rhs_dispatcher<Head>::type::dispatch(*p1, rhs, functor);
                return Tail::dispatch(lhs, rhs, functor);

        struct dispatcher_error
            static Result dispatch(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs, Func functor)
                throw std::runtime_error("未定義の型");

        typedef typename mpl::reverse_fold<lhs_type, dispatcher_error, dispatcher<mpl::_2, mpl::_1>>::type type;

    static Result go(BaseLhs& lhs, BaseRhs& rhs)
        return lhs_dispatcher::type::dispatch(lhs, rhs, Func());

class are_hit_shapes

    void operator()(rectangle& lhs, rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_rectangle_and_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(rectangle& lhs, ellipse& rhs)
        is_hit_rectangle_and_ellipse(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(rectangle& lhs, polygon& rhs)
        is_hit_rectangle_and_polygon(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(rectangle& lhs, round_rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(ellipse& lhs, rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_ellipse_and_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(ellipse& lhs, polygon& rhs)
        is_hit_ellipse_and_polygon(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(ellipse& lhs, ellipse& rhs)
        is_hit_ellipse_and_ellipse(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(ellipse& lhs, round_rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_ellipse_and_round_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(polygon& lhs, rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_polygon_and_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(polygon& lhs, ellipse& rhs)
        is_hit_polygon_and_ellipse(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(polygon& lhs, polygon& rhs)
        is_hit_polygon_and_polygon(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(polygon& lhs, round_rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_polygon_and_round_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(round_rectangle& lhs, round_rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_round_rectangle_and_round_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(round_rectangle& lhs, rectangle& rhs)
        is_hit_round_rectangle_and_rectangle(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(round_rectangle& lhs, ellipse& rhs)
        is_hit_round_rectangle_and_ellipse(lhs, rhs);

    void operator()(round_rectangle& lhs, polygon& rhs)
        is_hit_round_rectangle_and_polygon(lhs, rhs);

void double_dispatch_test(std::vector<shape*>& v)
    for (auto& i : v)
        for (auto& j : v)
            double_dispatch(*i, *j);

template <bool S = true>
void static_dispatch_test(std::vector<shape*>& v)
    typedef mpl::list<rectangle, ellipse, polygon, round_rectangle> TypeList;
    typedef static_dispatcher<are_hit_shapes, shape, TypeList, S> dispatcher;

    for (auto& i : v)
        for (auto& j : v)
            dispatcher::go(*i, *j);

int main()
    std::vector<shape*> v = {new round_rectangle(), new rectangle(), new ellipse(), new polygon()};
    std::cout << "-------------------------" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "-------------------------" << std::endl;
    for (auto& it : v)
        delete it;
